today i got carried away by the gulf stream. which is the theme of one of the books i brought: the author is Erik Orsenna, and the book's original title is.. oh, it's in French! i didn't realize that. i thought he was Scandinavian. so here, the title: „Portrait de Gulf Stream. Eloge des Courants. Promenade“. the translated german title is: „Praise of the Gulf Stream “.
it's about nautical history, the way currents were studied, and the gulf stream discovered. it's interesting, kind of creative non-fiction, with a lot of quotes from other books. the base is the author telling about his travels to places where the gulf stream is studied, and scientist he met – and books he read. He quotes Jules Vernes, and T.S. Elliot:
„The river is within us, the sea is all about us.“
it's one of the luxuries of being here. this space to read. and find the right lines.
and it's so good to have this time off, this island time. even though a part of me longs for home, for the flowers, for writing. but then, i know that at home, a part of me will long for here. and it's nice to feel this, this longing for home, and longing for other skies. it's the sum of those two feelings that make every place more precious. imagine to not long for home.
later, back from the beach, i read, and came across this line that seemed to wrap this feeling up:
„for every current, there's a counter-current“
that's a line from the gulf stream book, and i felt, it's true for all life. also it made me think that some days have this flow, and some day not so much – even if you try.
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