the sun was out, and i retreated to my cat place and read through the pages of the new sandman comic – the next part of the story of the lord of dreams.
it's a family story this time. a family story of the very different kind. for Dream is part of an eternal family dream. his sister is Death, and his elder brother is Destiny. his other sisters are: Desire. with a twin named Despair. and the youngest sister: Delirium. in the story i read, Dream needs to step into hell, to free a woman he condemned there for a wrong reason. it altogether is really a story of heaven and hell. which made me think of the heaven and hell story of 2028. the 2 tables. interesting detail: in the sandman book, there is this scene about hell:
“So what is the way to hell?” - he asks.
"Hell is not a place you go to," the other answers. "It's a place that is inside of you.”
and strangely fitting, i visited the oblique strategies web page on sunday, and drew a card, and up came a line i have never seen before. almost a zen line. it said:
“Disconnect from Desire.”
just like that.
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